As low as $0 with insurance

Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealthcare, First Health, and Medicare

Or schedule without insurance for only $49 per visit
Telemedicine doctor in a white coat holding a phone doing patient care

About Us

  • Same day appointments within minutes of signing up

  • Our online doctor calls you at the time you choose

  • As low as $0 with insurance

  • Talk to a doctor from your house, work, vehicle, or anywhere that is convenient to you

  • We treat patients of all ages

  • Our doctors live and practice in Texas

What We Offer And Treat

Sick Visits
Skin Conditions
Mental Health
Chronic Conditions
smiling female doctor charting on her tablet with medical workers in the background

Read what patients are saying

What to Expect
It's As Easy As One, Two, Three...

Book An Appointment

Choose a time that is convenient for you and register in less than 3 minutes!
Schedule Now

Speak To A Doctor

Speak directly with an online doctor by phone or video on any device.
Schedule Now

Feel Better

Prescriptions, if indicated, are sent to your local pharmacy.
Schedule Now